Drawing is a learned skill, and this book is geared primarily toward young children to encourage them to draw. The introductory pages list the materials needed to draw, and encourage learning from mistakes and practicing. It also helps overcome a common fear of not being able to draw straight lines freehand, and shows how to add “personality” to one’s drawings (sleek puppy vs puffy puppy).
The book has seven main scenes, and the objective is to teach readers to recreate (i.e., draw) the scene. At first readers will see the entire scene (in color). The next few pages focus on different areas of the scene illustrating how to draw each aspect. The step-by-step guide is whimsical, encouraging, and easy to follow. At the end the scene is reproduced so readers may color it in.
While there are several books that show how to draw this one, this one is targeted towards younger readers. It caters to their tastes, and the narrative speaks to them at their level. Its objective is to create an entire scene (not just individual objects). It is motivational in that it encourages trying and learning. Recommended for budding artists, or those who want to try their hand at drawing.
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