Avatar, the Last Airbender: The Reckoning of Roku

Avatar, the Last Airbender: The Reckoning of Roku (Chronicles of the Avatar Book 5) (Chronicles of the Avatar, 5) (Volume 5)

Avatar, the Last Airbender: The Reckoning of Roku (Chronicles of the Avatar Book 5) (Chronicles of the Avatar, 5) (Volume 5)

The Avatar has been announced in the Fire Nation and now his journey and training are to begin. Roku is anything but ready to leave. In fact, he’s not sure they didn’t make a mistake and he’s really not the Avatar. When his training leads to nothing and his old friend Prince Sozin asks him for a favor, as the Avatar and as a friend, that will prevent a war, Roku sets out to a fog hidden island to find answers.

I haven’t read the previous, but have watched the show ages ago, even so, I was never lost, you just need to be familiar with the world. The plot was interesting, but at about three quarters the buildup stopped and got a little boring. There are almost too many characters to keep track of, but they all have unique personalities. There is one character death that is supposed to be impactful, but it was so sudden and blunt that I almost couldn’t care. The reactions of the other characters is what made it impactful.