Have you ever wondered what the symbols, like a sweat drip or a snot bubble, mean while reading manga? Look no further than Giga Town: A Guide to Manga Iconography by Fumiyo Kouno. This guide will explain all the icons, symbols, and expressions that are commonly found in manga.
This iconography will introduce you to over a hundred manga symbols. I like reading manga, but I never even realized there were so many of these icons and symbols. Most of the symbols are self-explanatory like the single leaf and wind squiggle signals a wind woosh. I am familiar with the sweat icon and the wind icon because I’ve noticed these in manga that I’ve read.
It was really helpful learning about all these different symbols. I definitely want to go reread some of my favorite manga to see how many of these symbols I can spot. I recommend this picture dictionary of symbols to manga readers.
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